Well-being is on the up and becoming the norm. Following the “experimental laboratories” of young innovative companies, large companies are turning more towards happiness, specifically by appointing “Chief Happiness Officers”, whose mission is to create and nurture conditions that benefit the well-being of the company. Beyond managing space and working hours or organising internal events, they break down barriers to improve the functioning of the company and help create a climate of trust between employees and managers. With the “Well-being in the Workplace” TrendBook, we use interviews and overlapping perspectives to offer you a new take on a subject that has been given a central role.
Happy at work: What are we waiting for?
Why has employee well-being become a pillar of corporate strategies?
What role does real estate play in this quest for happiness?
Each TrendBook looks at the actual changes affecting the real estate market in one way or another. International experts in the sector are given the chance to talk through analyses, testimonials, case studies and key figures.

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